Unlearn the unnecessary in the world of mid-tier and mid-entry-level luxury watches. Let the Watch Gonzo guide your course through the roundabouts and swirly labyrinths and rid-off all your horological ignorance. How well your prenominal viewpoints face the blow is beside the context, but it will definitely remove the crusty covers barring your illumination.
WG comments:…………………………………………………………………………………
Dear Gonzo,
I’m not sure if you’ll like this criticism. There are many who thank you, I know that and I also must say I like a couple of yours almost-unbiased penning. But why always target the average horological I.Q.? It’ll be great exposing more to your readership, so send some of your horologerie kindlings this way. Here’s something – a conversation starter – if you find it difficult to begin.
I have always – and still – wonder about the final winner – In-House or mass-produced movements? I’d love to hear you drilling down further on this; or say, I’ll just dig it. Or maybe even on inexpensive kinds with substantial pedigree and heritage.
A. Even I don’t know if you’ll like my answer to what you ask but there are less florid ways to tell the world that you are a buff. I target – in your words – the average horological I.Q. for I don’t need to – It’s not my job either – further enlighten the enlightened. But I always welcome friendly discussions on interesting topics; I enjoy them too – so here I return the throw. However, it’d have been much interesting if column wheels and vertical clutches intrigued you more. Don’t take it for papacy; I’m just expressing my POV.
Anyway, now to the movements. From your fair bit of sarcasm on substantial pedigree and heritage, it is important that I introduce you to some of the inexpensive kinds that stick to heritage as much as – if not more – than any brand under a large group. I’d rather prefer my watch to bear a personal identity than a large brand just bestowing it upon.
Summary: With an option given, I’ll go for an in-house, always.
Q. Hi Gonzo!
Why should I get all worried about the movement when all I want my watch to do is just look nice as a part of my attire? I wear my watches for a year or little more (this year I got a Nautica Black BFD 101; last year, I wore a Citizen Eco-Drive Power Reserve) and around 150 bucks a year I think majority can afford. It’s no issue breaking an inexpensive watch halfway. Batteries do not run for more than a couple of years either. So changing the watches from time to time seems most sane.
A. Hi! At least you don’t try to show who you are not and I appreciate that. I know my fascination with watches and their movements drive people up the wall, so it’s very natural opting for throwaways out of disgust. It’s less complication and no…I really mean it. Just make sure they do their job properly and don’t give away in the face of water or snow.
That also, probably, answers your primary question. For if the movement is good, the rest of the watch is bound to.