April 22nd is near. Our Earth Day Sale on the day will be held in honor of our Earth! It’s a day you promote anything that benefits the world and its peace. The Earth Day
Deals shall continue through the week, bringing you a greater span to engage with a cause that aims for a cleaner planet. No, this is unlike any Best Earth Day Sales you’ll find around. You won’t find ironies like a quartz watch with Save the Planet written all over it. Our Earth Day Watch Sale has been arranged to serve an important cause: To reduce the use of batteries, which occupy quite some place in every landfill. Given just 100 people changing their watch batteries worldwide a day, the number soars to 100,000 before a year completes. There are also watches that are disposable; we are not taking them into account. You can do the math yourself. Watch batteries contain cadmium, mercury, lead and lithium. They are largely responsible for sudden climactic changes (i.e. Global Warming), photochemical smog, air-acidification; Eco-toxicity and water pollution. Mechanicals and solar watches pose no such threat. They generate power-to-run on their own and depends upon no periodically replaceable power-supplying units containing chemicals that throws ecology out of its balance. The Earth Day Sales 2024 brings a large array of automatic mechanical and solar-quartz watches; showcased for this Earth Day 2024 Sale, in a large number of formats that address every dressing or professional need you might have. So that you don’t have to let go off doing your part, the Earth Day 2024 Deals shall be offered exactly for one week from now. This Earth Day Sale on Watches will bring you across some of the most revered and sought-after watches in the community. Make sure you miss out none of our Earth Day Deals on Watches!