Our watches are important to us—both socially and technologically—that over time, they become the most defining and enduring part of our wardrobe – if not throughout, then for definite periods – and our lives. Even a person who fully transitions from one to another type of watch will not escape the fact that he or she was born and defined by a certain mindset that shaped his or her preference(s) in one way and is now, defined by ANOTHER.

Z73665 LRG

Q. Dear Gonzo,

My question is not a complex, meandering one; just tell me if price is important or not when you are flaunting your watch.


I don’t think there’s a question I’ve been asked more ever since I started posting at Mad about Watches than this one. People hang an awful lot of self-worth on the price of the piece on their respective wrists—about how much they have paid for it or how complicated it looks, more than considering how functional it is or, if it really fits the wearer’s true purpose.

My straight and simple answer to your rather not a complex, meandering oneis:

I’ll always give an honest pricing an upper hand!

Like everything else, the total cost of all the intricacies, substantiality and legalities of a watch taken together should justify the price you come across. It’s like – you don’t buy a pound of brass for the price of a pound of gold. A BIG brand name doesn’t necessarily ensure great watches. Only a proven track record matters, along with the brand’s persistence to reach higher.

01 735 7641 4263 07 5 22 22G LRGDon’t bother asking the showroom sales people. They are concerned with selling you a piece, not the little, intricate tidbits. Plus, they don’t know the answers anyway. Don’t take it as an educational deficiency; it is much of a subjective question in a sales-driven world. There’s definitely no absolute law that can set the rules of pricey translating to a higher status; watches are absolute artworks engineered for perfection. You pay the price that justifies the amount of effort that went into it that will keep it to the nearest peripheries of perfection for a long time to come.

Oh, one thing I forgot to mention. Price sometimes plays an important role between partner pairings. However, make sure the other person is not too learned on the watch subject.

T084. LRGFew quick tips:

  • Don’t ever try to flaunt your watch. A good piece will attract attention on its own.
  • Most women find very large watches uncomfortable.
  • Who are only looking for ornamentation; or, who feel that their watches should be more of a decorated bracelet shouldn’t mind miniscule dials and hands; being just suggestible enough is fine.
  • Don’t pick up a certain watch because the noise around you told you so. See if it has traits to suit what the other person likes. To explain better: An active, outgoing person would prefer the Oris BC3 more than the Zeppelin Series Flatline as his regular wear; like this Casio Analog Quartz will also be preferred more by an urban, working woman over a Tissot T-Lady Pinky, which she might like to wear at an instance of fine dining with all the associated regalia.
    Tell us for what reason these timepieces individually/collectively makes you smile! Send us a line to gonzo@creationwatches.com. You may also send any specific query you have in particular.